Sunday, October 18, 2009


And when at last I find you,
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you

You know I will...

Love you forever and forever
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we're together
Love you whenever we're apart

It's such a very long story before I got you now here with me...

Hey, listen. I know about your past, those bad stories, but it doesn't matter anymore for me. See, the fact is I have you with me now. Nothing can change it, the past can't.

So many obstacles around are trying to shake my faith.. Yeah, I admit, it gets harder each day. What's so wrong with a boy and a girl who are falling for each other? I get no idea, really. Is it that wrong being with you like this...? Tell me.

I try my best to ignore whatever comes our way, I know you will never leave my side. I know you will protect me, no matter what..

I know you always will.

And you know, I always will. Love you. All the way.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Sabtu pagi,dikeselin lagi sama bokap gw.

Tdk seperti biasanya,abis bangun pagi gw lgsg cuci muka gosok gigi trs turun ke bawah ke kamar bokap gw. Terus yaudah kaann gw lgsg rebah di kasur lagi di sebelah bokap gw,sedikit berharap utk bisa melanjutkan istirahat gw sejenak. Tiba2 bokap gw ngajak ngobrol:

Bokap (B): dek,papi mau coba internetan pake hape dong??????? ajareeen??!?!
Christy cute (CC): (masih ngantuk+males2an sambil selimutan) hah? Apaan? hhhh sinih......

Singkat cerita bokap gw yg bauuel tengab itu minta diajarin cara ngecek film di 21 gitu. Yaudah gw kasitau kalo mau cek,buka web (m buat mobile site maksudnya). Yo wis. Gitu tok. Tapi emang besar pasak daripada tiang(?), gw tuh lupa kalo...........

Pada dasarnya seluruh keluarga gw terlahir utk menjadi gaptek.


Ranking 1 kegaptekan = nyokap
Ranking 2 = bokap
Ranking 3 = kakak
intinya = cuma gw yg gak gaptek!!!]

Oke oke balik ke cerita gw. Gw telah melupakan kenyataan bahwa bokap gw mengidap penyakit GAPTEK KRONIS yang amat kronis (manis dong??? o salah itu bronis..) Buat ngebuka browser di hapenya aja dia gak ngerti!!!!!!!

Percakapan 1
B: dek udah begini nih. Terus pilih apa?
CC: oyauda bener tuch. Yaudah klik aja
B: (diem bentar) klik? Apanya yang diklik?
CC: ya itu option go to web addressnya diklik gitu lho??
B: (diem bentar lagi) ooo.
CC: hem
B: dikliknya pake apa ya? Tombol yg ini kan ya??? (Nunjuk tombol ijo)

Percakapan 2
Bokap udah keranjingan& girang krn berhasil buka (itu juga 99% gw yg ajarin). Terus dia akhirnya ngeclose (cara exitnya dia juga nanya gimana -..-),trs dia sok mau nyoba dari awal buat brosinx.


B: AAARRRRGGGGH?!!!?!!?! Niy gimana siy kok not found molooo?!!!!??!!??!! HOAAARRMMMM!!!!!! (Melahap guling---oke ngga gitu....)
CC: (terusik boboknya) hoaah?? Apaan sih pah......
B: ini lho!!!!!! Papi gak bisa buka twentiwannya itu!!!!!!!!
CC: salah address kali...
B: NGGAK!!!! Addressnya yang em duasatu2 itu kan???? Bener koq!!!!!!
CC: (curiga..) Masa? Sini aku liat bentar.......

Tulisan di layar:


CC: pah,salah alamatnya.. Bukan,tp 21cineplex pah........

Percakapan 3
Situasi: gw sedang bobok (akhirnya..) dingin2 sambil selimutan kayak pinguin.

Tiba2... (!!!!^%#*@!?!!!!!)

B: RRRRGGGGGHHHHHH?!?!!!!???!!!!!!!!!!!!
CC: (kebangun) haduh.. Apaan lagi sih...
B: kok td sm kamu bisa,sm papi gabisa????!!!!! Hhhhhh!!!!!!!
CC: duh.. Gak salah address kan? Bener 21cineplex kan???
B: suerrr!!!!! Yakin lagh sumpaaa lagh boss!!!!
CC: (gatau kenapa tetep curiga) hemm coba sini bentar......

Tulisan di layar hape: m.21.cineplex


The end. Gw terkapar& kejang2 di lante,mulut gw berbusa. (Emangnya gw ayan???????)

Sekian cerita dari gw. Pesan moralnya: don't underestimate gaptek people,or they can kill you..... (ngebikin lo epilepsi mendadak) anyway, have a great saturday folks! Chao!!